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The Linen Chest

The CWC Linen Chest is unlike any other missionary-support program in the world—and is often the envy of missionaries from other traditions!

The Linen Chest serves to provide career missionaries with household necessities as they serve, and again once they return stateside. CWC groups send financial support to the Linen Chest. Nearly $30,000 is donated annually.

Missionary families receive goods such as:Kitchen, Bath & Bed Linens Dish cloths and towels, hot pads and mitts, table linens, bath towels and mats, bed sheets, pillow protectors, mattress pad covers, bedspreads, and pillows. Since many missionary women have only wringer washers and a clothes lines for laundry, high-quality linens are provided for durability. Linens are re-supplied every four years.

Tupperware & Flatware Plastic ware is given to help them with their need for air-tight (and "critter-proof") storage. A set of flatware is given to each career mission family that is theirs to keep for life.

Appliances in Field Residences A $500 reimbursement is paid for each washing machine and a $750 reimbursement is paid for each refrigerator placed in missionary housing.

Clothing Allowance for Women Missionaries When a woman returns for home assignment in the United States after four years on the field, she receives $250 to replenish her wardrobe.

College Assistance for Missionary Teens College students of missionaries receive $1,000 per semester for residence hall rent while attending college or university. In addition, the student receives a one-time gift of bed and bath linens and a modest supply of kitchenware and linens.

Minister's Aid Recipients Minister's Aid Recipients served in ministry before the Church of God Board of Pensions was established to assist them in their retirement years. A cash gift of $175 is given to each Minister's Aid recipient every Christmas.

Stateside Missionary Residences Missionaries on home assignment often reside at the Crose Missionary Apartments or Hunter House. Bed, bath and kitchen linens, curtains and draperies, kitchenware and flatware are provided through the Linen Chest.

Needs Quality bath towels and match sets (NO PASTELS - Popular colors are beige, brown, green, natural colors) Quality kitchen towels Kitchen/Bathroom Items Monetary donations for bed linen and appliances

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Partnership Any woman age 18 and older can become a partner with Christian Women's Connection (CWC) whether she belongs to a local group or not. Partnership is secured through annual or lifetime dues.

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